InterCambios. Dilemmas and Transitions in Higher Education

Current Issue

Vol 11 No 2 (2024)
Published November 30, 2024

InterCambios. Dilemmas, and Transitions in Higher Education (ISSN 2301-0118, E-ISSN 2301-0126) is a free publication (does not charge for the sending or processing of articles), arbitrated, free access and biannual edition that addresses issues and problems of higher education.  A "double blind" type of peer review process is used. The text sent will be submitted to evaluation instances. The evaluators will be appointed according to suitability and responsibility with respect to the subject of reference; Your identity will be reserved, as will the author's. The journal has the collaboration of external evaluators who are not part of its editorial team and the publishing institution.

Investigations and experiences

Edgar Daniel Anaya Torres, Ernesto Ramírez Vicente, Armando Ávila-Carreto
Part-time professors facing employment precariousness
PDF (Español (España))
Carlos Luna, Ximena Otegui, Anabel Fleitas, Daniel Alessandrini
Performance of engineering students with personalized orientation
PDF (Español (España))
Leticia Cerezo
Analysis of the implications of the university academic regime on student experiences: studying in courses of up to 30 people at the UNAJ (Argentina)
PDF (Español (España))
Santiago Martínez Alonso, Mahira González Bruzzese, Tabaré Fernández Aguerre
Determinants of academic success in students of the 2015 entering class of the University of the Republic
PDF (Español (España))
Sandra Daniela Ravelli
The study plan of the Degree in Nutrition. Perceptions of students and teachers of the Faculty of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences
PDF (Español (España))
Julio Zurita Altamirano, Judith Pinos Montenegro
Actions for the internationalization of teachers. Case study in Ecuadorian Higher Education
PDF (Español (España))
Zulma Gabriela Gastaldo, Silvia Batlle, Emmanuel Pacheco
Transition to the master’s degree for Argentine students
PDF (Español (España))
Matías Núñez, Lucía Marroco, Elizabeth García, Leonardo Moreno
Critical reading in Udelar’s students. A possible dialogue between the expected and the empirical
PDF (Español (España))
Teresa Freire, Carolina Rodríguez Enríquez
Student voices evaluate online university courses
PDF (Español (España))
Eliana Rodríguez, Marcos Davyt, Joaquín Hurtado, Andrés Abella
Is there a sex-based bias in the EDICH diagnostic test?
PDF (Español (España))
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InterCambios, Dilemmas, and Transitions in Higher Education (ISSN 2301-0118, E-ISSN 2301-0126) is a free publication (does not charge for the sending or processing of articles), arbitrated, free access and biannual edition that addresses issues and problems of higher education. 

Originally thought to be in electronic format, it is proposed:

  • To account the teaching staff interested in higher problems state of affairs, investigations, dilemmas and innovative experiences that provide a critical, reflective and multidimensional perspective on the subject.
  • To generate a swap of reflections space to further promote the awareness of the identity of this field of knowledge, which stimulates the production of knowledge both in terms of theories and institutional practices and the creation of transformative alternatives for this educational level.

InterCambios is indexed in the bases of LATINDEX (Sistema Regional de información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, El Caribe, España y Portugal), TIMBÓ (Trama Interinstitucional Multidisciplinaria de Bibliografía Online), COLIBRÍ (Conocimiento Libre Repositorio Institucional-Udelar),  DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico), SHERPARoMEO (RoMEO Journals database), DIALNET (Hemeroteca de artículos científicos hispanos en Internet), ROAD (Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources) and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library On Line).

InterCambios, contribute to knowledge democratization. This is based on the application of the international license of common creative attributions (Creative Commons Attribution License). Under this license, authors retain copyright ownership of the articles but permit any person to download and distribute articles published in the journal, without permission of the author or publisher. 4.0 Atribution International 

The journal accompanies progress towards Open Science, so original articles must be sent with a section called "Data availability", informing if the data set is available and, if so, where to access it.